Saturday, April 16, 2011


This is the soundscape video. It's on vimeo which means I can't post it on a video because Youtube and Google are in cahoots. But in any case, here it is;

1 comment:

  1. Representation of Space is interpreted and used very well in this soundscape. Echo was used in all three pictures of the soundscape. It created a sort of pattern of emotion. The elongated echo of the song created a distressed and emotional feeling that fits perfectly with the emotion given. There is a very good representation of figure and ground in the first picture of the soundscape. We see the sad child looking depressed, and the sound of a child crying fits this perfectly. There is a great illusion in the second picture of your soundscape. The audience perceives that there are many sounds going on such as the different people, the yelling and the music but in actuality there are only three layers being used. The last image of the soundscape told a story in a sort which showed a little bit of directionality and movement. The order of the sounds with the pitch and echo made it easy for a scenario to gather in my head of what happened. This groups emotion was pity, and after looking at and listening to the soundscape, I feel that they successfully portrayed that emotion.
